
5 Medical Tests That Benefit Your Heart Health

Mar 07, 2025
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Many people disregard their heart health until it's too late – but a few tests help us keep tabs before heart disease sets in. Read about five beneficial tests to stay on top of heart health and avoid dangerous complications.

The heart muscle is like a car's engine; it allows the body to run by pumping oxygenated blood throughout it. It's a tough muscle essential for every aspect of health and wellness.

As you age, your heart is at risk for various issues, including heart disease, heart failure, and coronary artery disease. Taking control of your health means medical testing to ensure you catch problems early.

At the Heart Clinic of Hammond, Dr. Ghiath Mikdadi and Dr. Farid Zayed are two experienced cardiologists offering diagnostic testing and treatments for heart issues.

Why is heart health important?

The heart is an essential body part, allowing every organ and tissue to function. It receives deoxygenated blood from the veins and re-oxygenates it. The heart then pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body to keep it running.

Every organ and tissue in the body requires oxygenated blood to work correctly. If one puzzle piece is missing, it affects the entire body.

Anything that affects your heart health affects how it pumps oxygenated blood through the body. Without a healthy heart, you're at risk for various complications, including heart attack, coronary artery disease, and stroke.

Staying on top of heart health is essential, especially as you age. It means making the necessary changes to ensure your heart works properly throughout life. A healthy lifestyle, a nutritious diet, and regular exercise are all great ways to be proactive about your heart.

Five tests that benefit your heart

Whether you're at risk for heart issues or want to ensure your heart is in good shape, several diagnostic tests provide essential information. We evaluate any symptoms, family history, and personal history to determine the best testing for you.

We offer various medical tests that give us valuable information about your heart, including the following:

1. Echocardiogram

An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart. It utilizes sound waves to accurately understand the heart, its valves, and how well it works. The test is painless and noninvasive.

We utilize an echocardiogram to diagnose issues within the heart, including carotid artery disease, coronary artery disease, and valvular heart disease. It's a crucial medical test to ensure the heart is working correctly.

2. Stress test

We utilize several stress tests to evaluate heart health, including exercise stress tests and nuclear stress tests. The goal is to assess how your heart handles physical stress.

We utilize stress testing for people experiencing symptoms like exertional chest pain, shortness of breath, or those who have coronary artery disease. It helps us diagnose other issues and determine the treatment steps.

3. Blood tests

Blood tests are often the first line of medical testing for the heart. We typically check blood tests if you're having symptoms or to monitor your health as you age. Some helpful blood tests for the heart include cholesterol screenings, C-reactive protein, troponin, and lipoprotein.

4. Cardiac catheterization

A cardiac catheterization procedure is a necessary test when you're living with coronary artery disease or valvular heart disease. We insert a thin catheter into a vessel in the groin, neck, or arm.

During the procedure, we can utilize a special dye that shows up on an X-ray to determine if there's a blockage in the heart. We also take blood and tissue samples to find any other issues within the heart muscle.

5. Imaging studies

Other imaging studies are also critical for heart health. We offer cardiac MRI, CT scans, and chest X-rays to evaluate your heart health and find any issues that could affect your long-term health and wellness.

What do the results mean?

After any cardiac testing, we meet with you to discuss the results. Each test tells us different information about your heart, helping us determine how your heart is doing and the next steps in treatment.

If your test results come back standard but you're at risk for heart disease or other complications, we have you come in for a follow-up appointment in six months to a year. However, if any symptoms pop up, you should come in sooner.

Testing that shows coronary artery disease or other heart issues requires further testing and treatment. Depending on the severity of the results, we may recommend immediate cardiac intervention, medications, and lifestyle changes.

Call the Heart Clinic of Hammond team today in Hammond or Amite, Louisiana, to schedule a cardiac consultation or request an appointment on our website.